Getting Started con OpenToonz Tutorial

Here we finally get our hands on OpenToonz with these first “Getting Started” tutorials.
Then make a direct download to OpenToonz here! and off we start!

The idea of releasing this software in Open Source is a turning point for the production of 2D animation that could rewrite the future of this form of art, which could lead to a significant increase in the production of animation designed by the artists, going to make thinkers and forcing software developers like Adobe and ToonBoom to remix plans and find ways to distinguish their 2D animation software from a powerful, free open-source alternative.

OpenToonz is a freely downloadable software, with complex tools offering a concentrate of functionality for professional animators. The work environment is not a welcome first for animators and artists, who are used to using Adobe packages such as After Effects for creating 2D animations.
We do not give up and go to study this interface!

If you know the world of traditional animation you will feel at home using OpenToonz. </ blockquote>
OpenToonz makes use of the xSheet rather than a linear timeline. This puts the focus on the drawings instead of the interpolation technique of the keyframes typical of Adobe software for example.

Opentoonz Tutorial 1 Customizing the interface

Opentoonz Tutorial 1 Customizing the interface from simon on Vimeo.

Opentoonz Tutorial 2 Projects

Opentoonz Tutorial 2 Projects from simon on Vimeo.

Opentoonz Tutorial 3 The XSheet

Opentoonz Tutorial 3 The XSheet from simon on Vimeo.

Opentoonz Tutorial 4 Fixing The Brush Presets

Opentoonz Tutorial 4 Fixing The Brush Presets from simon on Vimeo.