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HDR image-based lighting workflow

Watch this crash course and master the HDR image-based lighting workflow in Blender.

If you’ve just started tinkering with HDR lighting in Blender, it may seem daunting. So hard to control the direction of light (Gimme the rim light, you, Blender!). Even harder to avoid a blown-out background.

How to set-up HDR lighting in Blender?

On top of that, there seem to be so many things to wrap your head around: High Dynamic Range, 32-bit textures, Tone Mapping

But actually, this workflow is MUCH easier than you might have thought. I promise.

This course is FREEMIUM, so you can download it 100% free.

HDR Image-Based Lighting in Blender

Download HDR Lighting Blender course


INSTRUCTOR Gleb Alexandrov – Founder of Creative Shrimp, Artist and a Global Nerd
Links: HDRI Haven by Greg Zaal:
MasterXeon’s Youtube channel:…
Install Filmic add-on:…


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