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How to create a bubble deformer animation

A few weeks ago Entagma posted a great Houdini Tutorial by Simon Fiedler on how to make a bubble deformed.

In this tutorial below we see how Athanasios Pozantzis replicated the same effect inside Cinema 4D using the Target Effector in Deformer mode. I will also show you a method of creating mesh self-collision avoidance using a Fog volume and a Smoothing Deformer. You’ll be surprised how simple, yet effective it is.

How to create a bubble deformer in Cinema 4D?


Here the tutorial Create a Bubble Deformer in Houdini by Entagma

Guest Tutorial: Simon Fiedler – Mesh-Based Bubble Deformer Tutorial

Simon Fiedler doing his thing again: This time he’s covering how to create this blistery/bubbly effect on a mesh without resorting to VDB conversion. Enjoy!

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