How to render Pyro in Cinema4D

In the new Cinema 4D 2023.1 release, Maxon has introduced a new Pyro tool to easily create native C4D explosion, fire, and smoke simulations using GPU or CPU computational simulation power.

How to create smoke or fire in Cinema 4D?

With the new Pyro tag, you can emit smoke and fire from any Cinema 4D object, managing the density of the smoke, the temperature of the fire, and its dynamic forces.
The Pyro object determines which voxel grids are exported to the Cinema 4D object system for rendering and other effects. It also makes it easier to cache the simulation in the VDB.

In this tutorial, Jonas Pilz shows us how to create a material to use on the Pyro simulation to use it in the rendering phase both in the standard C4D rendering and in the Redshift rendering engine.

How to render Pyro in Redshift?

In the tutorial we will see how to make the volume data from the simulation available in the scene for rendering, creating a Pyro Volume material to immediately render the simulation good.

Pyro also integrates seamlessly with Cinema 4D’s Unified Simulation system, so you can easily set Cloth and Soft Bodies on fire. By default, everything is combined into one simulation. With the Simulation Scene object, simulation effects and forces can be split into separate simulations.

When developing pyrotechnics, previews are critical to the artistic design of the simulation. With Pyro, you can enable great viewport previews of Pyro and Fog VDB for customer review. Density and temperature are displayed as smoke and fire, and thanks to NanoVDB, the preview extends beyond Pyro objects to support any Fog volume in Cinema 4D.