How to use create balance effect in C4D

Today we share this very interesting tutorial that helps us understand how to animate scenes of this type, where we have to go and create an animation that plays with objects that come alive in balance in a 3d scene.
The tutorial is perfect for beginners and advanced levels, as we will see the author uses a very simple but very effective technique to create this type of animation, where 3d objects play with each other going to work on the balance of an abstract scene.

Tutorial author Lukas Thorup, a motion designer from Copenhagen, has worked on some great commercials and now has his own youtube channel where he is releasing very cool tutorials that you shouldn’t miss: /

How to use ‘Effector ‘Formula’ in Cinema 4D?

In the tutorial the technique used is very simple but very useful, using the ‘Formula’ Effector in Cinema 4D.

Formula is an effector in Cinema 4D that allows for the creation of complex animations using mathematical formulas. To use Formula, you must first add an effector to the object you want to animate. To do this, select the object, then switch to the Effector tab in the Attributes Manager. Select Formula from the list of available effectors.

Mograph formula effector in cinema 4d

Formula is an effector in Cinema 4D that allows for the creation of complex animations using mathematical formulas. To use Formula, you have to first add an effector to the object you want to animate. To do this, select the object, then switch to the Effector tab on the Attributes Manager. Select Formula from the list of available effectors. Once the Formula effector is added, you can start to create your animation.

In the Formula effector settings, click the “+” icon to add a new formula. You can then type in any mathematical formula you want to use.
You can also customize the animation further by changing the settings in the Formula effector.
For example, you can adjust the speed and amplitude of the animation, as well as the start and end times. You can also add additional formulas to create more complex animations. Once you are finished, you can render the animation and see the result.

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