Hum3D Car Competition 2021

Hum3D has launched its eighth annual art contest for automotive modeling and visualization! To enter the competition you just need to create an original 3D model of a car in a 3D environment, and generate a render at least 1,500px wide. The work must have been created specifically for the contest, and not previously published anywhere online.
The closing date for entries is 8 December 2021, and you can get more information about the general rules just by clicking here.

Hum3D Car Competition 2021 is the largest awards event for the 3D car modeling and visualization industry.

Hum3D Car Competition 2021 Prizes:

The main prizes are one-year licenses of 3ds Max, OctaneRender, the Substance 3D Collection and V-Ray Collection, and subscriptions to The Gnomon Workshop‘s training library.

How to Enter to Hum3D Car Competition 2021:

To enter the competition, you must create an original 3D model of a car, stage it in a 3D environment and generate a rendering of at least 1,500 px wide, the work must have been created specifically for the competition and not previously posted online.

In addition to the technical quality of the image, the works are judged based on the composition and the story narrated by the author.

Closing date:

Hum3D receive your works from September 15 to December 8 (inclusive). Submissions end at 15:00 (GMT). For your convenience, you can check the timer on the Hum3D page, but don’t forget to update it. The competition has one general category.

If you are interested visit Hum3D’s website to get more information and … Good luck and happy rendering!

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