Ingredients to Realism in Cinema 4D + project file

We are sharing on 3DArt the amazing work created by Marc Potocnik from Renderbaron released during the last FMX. In the video, we’ll see the creation of a realistic 3d kitchen scene using the core engine of Maxon Cinema 4D.

Marc Potocnik has a studio called Renderbaron. Its main business is high-quality 3D visualizations and visual effects to explain complex scientific or technical content, and animations and stills for car showrooms, trade fairs, and press conferences. His customers include a leading broadcaster in Germany and two major car manufacturers.

Ingredients to Realism” | Maxon Cinema 4D


Also, Intel shared the project files to download “Shining a Light on the Kitchen“, in order to test and study the scene:

Also check this interesting video shared during the last FMX, Cinema 4D, and “Apollinarisstr. – Ingredients to Realism” by Marc Potocnik from Renderbaron.

The creation of photorealistic interior scenes is a challenging task that requires the artist’s strong skills in shading, lighting, and rendering – especially in the field of visual effects.

If it’s supposed to look “like real”, a deep understanding of procedural shading and effective lighting techniques for animation is required. “Apollinarisstr.” is renderbaron studio’s latest work and combines exactly this claim in a photorealistic scene of an old, worn-out kitchen flooded with light.

The project was created for Intel to benchmark the potential of the brand-new 28 core Intel Xeon W-3175 CPU on different systems. In his talk, studio owner Marc Potocnik shows convincing and surprising techniques for procedural shading and photorealistic lighting and rendering with Cinema 4D.

Here the original article: Create realistic 3d scenes with Cinema 4D