Interactive Cloth Simulations in Blender

In this video tutorial, we’re going to look at setting up an interactive cloth simulation, we’ll learn all the steps that you need to do to make it work, and we take a look at a method for working with cloth simulations in a more interactive way in Blender.

In order to get some good floppy and flexible fabric, you will need to subdivide it several times the mesh, about eight is a good number. So Tab into Edit Mode and subdivide the mesh a couple of times.

We will make this cloth by going to the Physics tab. Scroll down until you see the Cloth panel, and press the Cloth button, a lot of settings will appear, most of which we need to manage to achieve the advanced simulation.

That is all you need to do to set your cloth up for animating, but if you playback the animation, the drop of your newly created fabric will be quite unspectacular.

Using Simulation to Shape/Sculpt a Mesh

You can Apply the Cloth Modifier at any point to freeze the mesh in position at that frame. You can then re-enable the cloth, setting the start and end frames from which to run the simulation forward.

Smoothing of Cloth

In order to make it look nice and smooth like the picture, you need to apply a Smooth and/or Subdivision Surface Modifier in the Modifiers tab. Then, in the Toolbar, find the Edit panel and Press Smooth.

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