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Kinect Fusion the new Kinect tool

Microsoft has announced that it is integrating the Kinect Fusion project into its software development kit (SDK) for Kinect for Windows.
First developed as a research project at the Microsoft Research lab in Cambridge, UK, Kinect Fusion, allows users to create 3D models of real-world objects or environments by combining a continuous stream of data from the Kinect sensor for Windows.

Microsoft said Fusion Kinect can correctly read the data either by moving the sensor around an object or environment or by moving the scanned object in front of the sensor. The longer the object is placed in front of the camera, the more accurate the model will be.
“Fusion Kinect takes the incoming depth data from the Kinect sensor and uses the sequence of frames to create a highly detailed 3D map,” the blog post explains from Microsoft:
“The tool then averages hundreds of readings and takes thousands of frames to get more detail.”

“Tra le altre cose, permette la ricostruzione dei modelli 3D e degli oggetti, realtà aumentata, e permette di ottenere accurate misurazioni 3D.”

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