New Cascadeur is ready to download

Just before the end of 2020, the Nekki team has released a new version of Cascadeur 2020.3b, as always, it is available for download in an open beta version.

Cascadeur is a software for creating character animation without motion capture, using a physics-based approach, it allows for creating expressive and realistic animations for movies and video games.

New Cascadeur Dinosaur Animation Test

Here is the list of the new Cascadeur 2020.3b features and improvements:

  • Rotation trajectories – a new tool that lets you keep track of the body parts’ rotation
  • Improved auto-posting – the active blue point controllers work independently on different frames, stable behavior of main points.
  • Clamped interpolation – similar to AutoClamp feature in Blender or Auto function in Maya, it will help to solve the problem of your model’s feet going under the ground
  • Auto keys – when you start editing a pose in a regular frame, it automatically becomes a keyframe to save your changes
  • Minor bug fixes

The animations created with Cascadeur’s latest beta version can be used commercially without license fees.

Cascadeur is currently in beta.
You can sign up for beta testing on their website.


You can learn more about the Cascadeur new features in our DOCUMENTATION.

You can now download Cascadeur – a physics‑based 3D animation software.
It is available for Windows and Linux and OS version available soon.