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Posing Characters, Adding Hair in C4D Tips

Hei 3D Artists, don’t miss these interesting C4D Tips & Tricks. We are going to create a complete scene in Cinema 4D, using Redshift for materials and renderings.
Bruna Vasconcelos (Brunaaart is a Brazilian 3D artist and visual designer based in Berlin) shows us how to manage a character in 3d, starting from the posture in DAZ Studio (Free 3D Software), going to manage all the features of the character, and the final posture to be used in the 3d scene.

Once the final posture has been decided, let’s export the 3d model in .obj. We will import the 3d model .obj into Cinema 4D, in the tutorial we will see how to manage hair from scratch, using the various tools in Cinema 4D to manage the hairs and hair by selecting the sections of the head to be thickened with the Brush with hair.

Bruna Vasconcelos | The 3D and Motion Design Show

Bruna’s work usually has a magical, mysterious and ethereal vibe, often representing women who are very powerful, emotional, and yet delicate.
Once we’ve created the final look, we’re going to create the final materials in the Material Editor. In the last phase of the tutorial, we will see how Bruna created the base of the scene by creating (Flower and Grass) the grass and flowers of the composition.

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