Next Limit has released a version that is seamlessly integrated into Cinema 4D. Now it will be possible to make the best use of the fluid and dynamics simulator within the Maxon software, thus allowing an even faster interaction than...
The StreetView4D plugin allows you to create and insert HDR images into the 3d scene. Very interesting plugin, which allows you to use the inexhaustible resource of Google Street in C4D. StreetView4D allows you to use Street View to create...
Otoy lancia un importante aggiornamento al GPU-based renderer Octane 3. Aggiungendo una serie di tecnologie chiave per l’integrazione di Octane nella pipeline VFX, e sará pronta per l’uso alla realtà virtuale. L’annuncio è stato dato durante l`Nvidia GPU Technology Conference . Volumetric rendering...