Final Fantasy XV Tech Demo 1
Final Fantasy XV il nuovo Tech Demo Luminous Studio Diamo un’occhiata agli incredibili risultati raggiunti in Final Fantasy XV, incredibile...
3D PRINTING and ULTRASOUND to accelerate healing
We had already seen some time ago how 3d printing was the future for replacing the classic “gypsum” used to...
NUKE 9 – The Foundry
NUKE 9 sta arrivando!!! Martedì 21 Ottobre 2014 19:30-09:00 BST (British Summer Time) Non perdetevi l’evento in streaming diretto dal quartier generale di The Foundry all 19:30-09:00 BST (British Summer Time). Oggi verrà lanciato NUKE 9, tra cui il tanto...
VRay RT for C4D
Let’s take a look at the first features of VRay RT for C4D. Stefan Laub shows us a quick preview...
ZBrush 4R7 Teaser video
In questo video viene mostrato tutto il potenziale della nuova release ZBrush 4R7. ZBrush 4R7 Teaser video ZBrush è un...
DNA and 3D printing: here’s how to reconstruct a face.
Yes, you read that right. The American artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg has given life to the experimental project “Stranger Visions” which consists in making 3D reconstructions of faces starting from DNA. The artist collected hair, cigarette butts, chewed gum, and nail...
Here’s how 3D printed prosthetics can help children in Sudan
In past posts, we talked about the potential of 3D printing. Now, the “Not Impossible Labs” company, which is dedicated...
Il futuro del VFX in cloud
Sempre più compagnie, stanno scegliendo di lavorare in cloud. Ad esempio Cinesite ha inserito FTrack nella gestione della pipeline di...
Stampatevi in 3D con Kinect e Shapify
A 3D mini clone of you is the new trend launched in the United Kingdom, where a company called Shapify wants to beat the high-cost competition by offering low-cost 3D printing on your mini-me. Using Kinect as a scanning tool,...
Stampa 3D: presente e futuro del 3D Printing alla Singularity University.
In this video Scott Summit, co-founder of Bespoke Innovations, talks about the potential of 3D printing and how it can...