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VFX’n’GO – Next Limit Realflow 101 – Introduction to RealFlow

Simultaneously with the release of the new version of Next Limit RealFlow (you can read the article at this address – the new VFX’n ‘video course was also released GO based entirely on RealFlow.

The course is divided into two major chapters: Theoretical and Practical.

The first part deals with the basic concepts such as workflow, software logic, interface, differences between emitters (Dyverso and Standard particles), description of Daemons and other tools that will be used later.

In the second part, with the help of the exercises, the concepts expressed previously are put into practice with some production tips & tricks that are hardly addressed or disseminated in other courses / tutorials.


esempio di immagini e sequenza realizzate all’interno di RealFlow sfruttando Maxwell Renderer

Oltre a questo viene mostrato l’utilizzo anche di Maxwell Renderer (parzialmente introdotto all’interno di RealFlow) evidenziando il forte connubbio tra i due software e di come possa essere possibile utilizzarlo anche in produzioni senza dover troppo allungare la propria pipeline o senza bisogno di ulteriori software aggiuntivi anche per il rendering.

This course represents a bit of a turning point at the level of style used compared to the previous videos of the VFX’n’GO in fact all the videos are, maintaining an excellent audio and video, in full HD resolution (1920×1080) and with codec h264 in so that they can also be used on different devices.

Number of videos 41 for a total of over 12 hours of training

Exercise list

Here are some free video lessons

The purchase formulas are really interesting because you can choose to buy the complete package at a really affordable price (€ 49.99) or other forms have been studied such as only the Theoretical or Practical chapter or only some exercises made available separately ( for all information and prices we suggest you visit the shop on Gumroad- )

Link per l’acquisto diretto –

Per maggiori informazioni o chiamenti potete visitare la pagina ufficiale dedicata a RealFlow sul sito di VFX’n’GO –

At the moment this course is the only source for Italian training in Next Limit software.


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