Redshift 3.5 Thin Film + Glass + Plastics Materials Free Download

We are still shaken by the news of Cinema 4D S26 / R26, one of the most interesting things was the update of the Redshift 3.5 rendering engine, now we can use Redshift with CPU power and we have the implementation of Redshift as the main rendering engine in C4D, updating both the interface and the management of the basic materials system and on the nodal system, in the new Redshift with have an update to the nodal system, let’s see in these tutorials how to make in a few clicks material with an incredible look of realism.

In addition to the video tutorials, you will find the link to the Material Preset Free Download, to be used in the new Maxon Redshift 3.5 rendering engine, a resource made and released by EffectronDerek Kirk.

Redshift 3.5  -Material Transmission Tutorial – Free Glass + Plastics

Redshift 3.5 in C4D S26 / R26 added the RS Standard Material which has some awesome new changes that make creating glass and plastics super easy!


Redshift 3.5 – Thin Film Tutorial Cinema 4D S26 C4D R26

In this video tutorial, we take a look at the new thin-film attribute inside the RS Standard Material in Cinema 4D r26.


Free Materials Download

If you need more info about the new version of Redshift 3.5 let’s check this video

What’s New in Redshift 3.5