Now it’s possible to create a watercolour effect in Maya, with MNPR: A Framework for Real-Time Expressive Non-Photorealistic Rendering of 3D Computer Graphics. Incredible results in Maya using a watercolor rendered animation, creating an incredible visual style.
How to create a Maya Watercolor Render?
Understanding MNPR
Download Maya Watercolor Stylization
The Maya Watercolor Stylization is a direct stylization pipeline, which brings real-time watercolor rendering of 3D objects and animation directly within the Maya viewport.
The research will be presented at Expressive 2018 (17-19 August):
Web Site:
Download Maya Watercolor Stylization:
Installing MNPR:
The watercolor stylization features:
- Real-time watercolor rendering in the Maya viewport
- State-of-the-Art watercolor stylization of 3D objects and animation
- Tool palette to art-direct stylization with multiple levels of control
- Quick rendering of high quality still frames and playblasts
- Easy installation