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Retopology in Cinema 4D with QuadriFlow

How to retopologize from high-density 3D scanning photogrammetry in Cinema 4D?

Retopology in Maxon Cinema 4D with QuadriFlow.

3D scanning will give you amazingly lifelike results, but the models are often very high poly and impossible to use in a real-time environment. This is where retopology comes in – using a combination of the right tools and techniques you can reduce the mesh density while keeping the ‘deep’ realism.

QuadriFlow: A Scalable and Robust Method for Quadrangulation

QuadriFlow is a scalable algorithm for generating quadrilateral surface meshes based on the Instant Field-Aligned Meshes

Check this new plugin from software engineer and 3D dilettante Ryan Gordon. The plugin lets you use Quadraflow (A scalable and robust method for quadrangulation) right from Cinema 4D.

Download here Quadriflow C4D.


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