Sci Fi Crate Generator in Houdini

In this lesson by Simon Verstraete, you will learn how to create a procedural Sci Fi Crate Generator in Houdini that can be used to create custom props for game engines such as Unity and Unreal.

In this video, you will explore the final asset and its key features. You will learn about the techniques being covered in this tutorial series and how they are being applied to the crate. You can also download the finished asset from the project files above and test it in the Unity editor using the Houdini Engine plug-in.

Download Project Files


Explore the final asset and its key features. Learn about the techniques being covered in this tutorial series and how they are being applied to the crate. You can also download the finished asset from the project files above and test it in the Unity editor using the Houdini Engine plug-in.

Length: 05:54


Starting from a simple box, learn how to model the crate using bevels, extrusions and booleans. Learn how to build each part of the crate while referencing other parts so that changes made to the original box cascade to all of the details.
Length: 22:50



Once the crate is ready, encapsulate the network nodes into a single digital asset which can be stored on disk and shared with other apps such as Unity. You will then build a high-level user interface by promoting parameters and organizing them using folders. As you make changes, you will rebuild the asset in Unity to test the new controls to make sure they work properly.
Length: 30:00


Starting with a high-resolution version of the crate you will then use a low res version to bake out normal maps. You will also use curvature and other features of the crate to generate masks which can be used to construct a Unity material. When you make adjustments to the crate, you can then update the maps using built-in baking options.
Length: 31:30


Using a decal sheet, you will add secondary details to the crate. You will set up the network to accommodate the decals and promote parameters to the asset to help you control their placement. You can then easily switch to other decal sheets to give each of your crates a unique look.
Length: 18:44

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