SideFX Houdini 201 – Dynamics & Fracture – corso

SideFX Houdini is one of the most complete software for making movies or images in CGI. Its field of application is mainly focused for the Visual FX sector and its node and procedural structure make it a very versatile and powerful application used in all the production pipelines of Hollywood and beyond.

In this course will be addressed the theme of Dynamics and fracture and in particular we will focus on Rigid Body (RBD) simulations, as fractures of the objects with the various operators (Booleans, Voronoi Fracture, Voronoi Fracture Points, VDB) and also how to use some constraints and solvers not properly of the Rigids Body world.

Trailer {VFXandGO} – SideFX Houdini 201 – Dynamics & Fracture
Here the link to the courses (the course languages is only in Italian):


To learn the basic knowledge of Houdini’s concepts, interface, the main tools and texturing is required. For this reason, we recommend the vision of the first and subsequent chapters of the 100 series (hence SideFX Houdini 101, 102 and 103) before approaching this chapter. If you want, the bundle with both courses on Gumroad is also available for download

By purchasing this course you will have a 20% discount voucher that you can use at the final cart in the Cubebush online shop.

Access the 20% discount voucher on Cubebrush

  • Video number 47 (forty seven)
    Files of the attached exercises
    Duration of the course h. 6:29:07
    All videos are made at:
    (*) Colors and Audio
    (*) with codec h264 with extension * .mp4 (viewable also on different devices, OS and media player
    (*) 1080p resolution (1920×1080 pixels)
    (*) In Italian

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