Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Visual Effects Breakdown

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, somewhere near Tottenham Court Road …

Star Wars in the strength of Britain’s visual effects talent.

Let’s take a look at the massive CG and VFX work Industrial Light & Magic has brought to completion in the making of Star Wars The Force Awakens. Special effects that combine motion-capture technology with actors’ technique, such as the famous interpretation of Lupita Nyong’o as Maz Kanata.

Lupita Nyong’o - Maz Kanata



Visual Effects Breakdown


Una squadra di piu di 130 artisti, 3D Arist, VFX artist ed esperti di tecnologia sono stati a lavoro per la riuscita del film piu atteso degli ultimi anni e tuttora in lavorazione della nuova sagra e l’imminente sequel del campione d’incassi Marvel Avengers .

The choice to open ILM studios in London was made for two reasons:

– The first reason for tax breaks on films in the UK, which allow film production companies to claim up to 25% off production costs, to the Budget aimed at further supporting investments in the UK visual effects sector United.
The UK film industry employs 117,000 people, generating over £ 73 billion a year.
According to the BFI, the UK film market is the third largest film market in the world. It has an industry turnover of £ 7.3 billion with exports of £ 1.3 billion and a trade surplus of £ 789 million.

-The second reason is because London is currently the richest city in the creative community for visual effects.



ILM Studios is Here...
ILM Studios is Here…

ILM Londra

The London studio is currently working on the new Star Wars saga.
Industrial Light and Magic London UK.

<Here is the London office of ILM, the studios are located in Hend House, at 233 Shaftesbury Ave, London WC2H 8EL, UK. Between Tottenham Court and Holborn near the British Museum.




Industrial Light and Magic

Founded in 1975 by George Lucas, Industrial Light and Magic is the world’s leading special effects studio.
He has created the visual effects for nearly 300 films, including Star Wars Episodes I – VI, the Harry Potter series, The Avengers and Jurassic Park. Industrial Light and Magic played a key role in six of the top ten global box office hits of all time. The company has offices in San Francisco, Singapore, Vancouver and London.
Industrial Light and Magic was awarded 15 Oscars for Best Visual Effects and received 26 Academy Awards for Scientific and Technical Achievement.

Industrial Light and Magic sold in 2012 for $ 4.05 billion, about 40 million shares in Disney,
with the agreement that Disney will take control of all of Lucasfilm’s businesses, including the “evergreen” series
of Star Wars, the Indiana Jones series, and the companies that operate in the realization of the productions,
including Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound. Kathleen Kennedy, current Lucasfilm co-president,
she will be the new president of the new Lucasfilm division and will report to Walt Disney Studios president Alan Horn.
Lucas will remain active as a creative consultant for the new Star Wars film festival, with Kennedy serving as executive producer.

Disney compra Lucasfilm, annuncia la nuova saga: Star Wars Episodio 7

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