The future of gaming in the Metaverse

In recent years we have witnessed a rapid change in the world of entertainment, from the beginning of augmented reality and VR, with the first devices, and now with the evolution of the latest generation headsets such as Olucus 2 and Oculus Quest Pro, opened the door to a new era for the gaming industry.

The virtual world of the Metaverse creates an immersive visual experience by integrating emerging technologies such as blockchain, IoT and 3D visualization into one platform.

By connecting to the main platforms such as Sandbox, Decentraland, VRChat, Rec Room, Fortnite, Roblox, and Meta Horizon Worlds, you enter a 3D virtual world, where users can use tools both in the professional field and in the entertainment.

The new way to interact.

With the advent of the pandemic, we have seen how the need to be in different spaces, and to be virtually connected has helped the growth of the virtual. While the Metaverse is for all industries, the video game industry is adopting it more and more to unlock its full benefits.

Users who play online, multiplayer games in real-time, are shifting their interest toward the Metaverse and the new immersive viewers. Entering the metaverse gives users a new way to interact with an audience and gives them access to alternative methods to manage valuables, gadgets, and in-game items, via decentralized systems of the blockchain.

Furthermore, thanks to user-generated content, users are invited to contribute to making virtual environments more personalized and original, creating, together with companies, transmedia ecosystems within which the contents evolve, also increasing brand value.

The Metaverse is a virtual world designed to connect users from all over the world with a shared digital platform for interacting and socializing. Companies that build their Metaverse projects leverage leading technologies such as 3D, augmented reality, virtual reality, IoT, artificial intelligence and blockchain for platform security.

The Blockchain in the Video Game.

Before the advent of blockchain-based games, gamers were very interested in multiplayer games. However, the blockchain has significantly changed the face of online gaming. Its use cases like NFTs and cryptocurrencies entice gamers with features like the tokenization of in-game items and the ability to trade them to earn money in cryptocurrencies.

Players can customize their avatars, and buy, collect and sell their items, even the fashion world is investing heavily in the virtual world, Balenciaga, Gucci, and Dolce & Gabbana are just some of the names of high fashion houses that have succumbed to the fascination of the Metaverse, according to Ian Rogers, digital chief officer of Lvmh, virtual fashion will be inevitable.

Balenciaga in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic decided to present their garments in an unusual way, launching their new collection through a virtual catwalk in a virtual fashion. In fact, people were able to participate in the fashion show, wearing VR glasses to be part of the audience sitting along the catwalk, an experience with Oculus viewers visible only to a limited number of guests.

The virtual fashion will be inevitable!

We can say that we are only at the beginning of these new technologies, the Metatare with web 3.0 will characterize a technological leap forward in the coming years.

Nowadays we are still in the initial state of the Metaverse

At this moment, in fact, if you connect and enter the virtual environments now available, the result of the quality of realism is very low. The environments have a low poly look, and the interactions are still in their initial stages, many companies have launched new generation gaming platforms, but the experience and the level of graphics are still very far from the standard that everyone expects.

Decentraland and Sandbox are examples of futuristic projects and big tech giants like Microsoft, Facebook, and Apple are coming with their unique Metaverse projects.
So we will see some good ones in the coming years.