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The power of Filter Forge 9.0

Hi guys, today I want to show you this amazing tool: Filter Forge 9.0. If you need to create particular effects or texture in your compositions, this tool is perfect for you.

Filter Forge is a powerful graphic software allowing you to generate amazing textures. In the last version, we have a full PBR support that greatly simplifies using Filter Forge textures in Unity3D, Unreal, and other game engines.

In Filter Forge, you can use the powerful tools of visual node-based editor allowing you to create your own filters – textures, effects, distortions, backgrounds, frames, you name it. All filters automatically support 16- and 32-bit modes in Photoshop, real-world HDRI lighting, bump and normal maps, huge resolutions, and most filters can be seamlessly tiled.

Filter Forge is a powerful graphic software allowing you to generate textures, enhance photos and apply visual effects to your images, Filter Forge includes support for the latest OS versions and host applications including Photoshop 2020.

It can be used as a standalone program or as a plugin under Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Affinity, and other host applications.

One of my favorite function, inside Filter Forge is the possibility to play with the loop elements, using a Loop component in Filter Forge you can create multiple elements and combine results of all these interactions into a single output image.

Another cool functionality in Filter Forge 9.0, is that you get free access to 12863 user-created filters. Anyone can contribute their textures and effects to the online filter collection so it grows with every submitted filter.


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