Thinkbox Software previews Sequoia

Thinkbox Software presented the preview of Sequoia, its next tool for converting “Points Cloud” data to 3D mesh, here we see its ability to process the myriad of production data.

The fast and powerful point cloud mesher

AWS Thinkbox Sequoia quickly and efficiently creates geometry from point cloud data acquired from laser scanners, photogrammetry and other sources. Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms, it easily handles large data sets exceeding system memory while remaining interactive. Native integration with AWS Thinkbox Deadline enables point cloud and mesh processing across multiple compute nodes.

Sequoia – Hacksaw Preview

What is Sequoia?
Sequoia converts the scan data into a single continuous mesh. The tools help in the process of creating the mesh for export or 3D printing.
The software is tailored to “architecture, engineering, and construction”, but has obvious applications for prop sets or reconstruction in visual effects.

Sequoia Image Projection Part I