Time Remapping Alembic Animations in UE5 & C4D

We highlight this new and highly useful tutorial shared by Cart & Horse for all 3D artists and motion designers using Unreal Engine 5 and Cinema 4D to breathe life into their creations. In this tutorial, we will explore various techniques for creating a time remapping of an Alembic file imported into UE5. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the tutorial, highlighting key steps and insights for 3D artists and animators.

The tutorial begins by showcasing the creation of basic animations in Cinema 4D. The focus is on a marshmallow bunny model, and viewers are guided through the process of refining the model’s topology, separating components like the eyes, and adding intricate details for that perfect marshmallow look.

Utilizing Deformers in C4D for Animation:

Dive into the animation process as the presenter uses various deformers, including Twist, Squash and Stretch, and Bend deformers, to bring the marshmallow bunny to life. The goal is to animate and lay the foundation for dynamic and expressive movements.

Exporting in Alembic Format:

Once the animation is perfected, the tutorial expertly guides users through the process of exporting the animated model as an Alembic file. Discover essential settings, including frame range and selection options, to ensure a seamless transition from Cinema 4D to Unreal Engine.

Bringing the Bunny to Unreal Engine:

Witness the transition as the marshmallow bunny is imported into Unreal Engine. Understand crucial settings like Geometry Cache and rotation adjustments, ensuring a smooth integration into the Unreal Engine environment.

Temporal Remapping Using Unreal Engine Sequencer:

Discover the power of the Unreal Engine Sequencer as the tutorial demonstrates how to override animations using a time-remapping function. Explore the “start time offset” feature to gain precise control over each sequence, enabling dynamic and customizable animations.

Optimization and Finalization in Unreal Engine:

Get detailed insights into optimizing the animated model within Unreal Engine, including adjusting settings such as flattening tracks to retain materials. Learn best practices, including the correct rotation adjustments for imported assets.

The tutorial concludes with a practical demonstration of recreating the animated sequence within Unreal Engine. Understand the importance of using the Geometry Cache component and leveraging the “start time offset” for seamless time remapping effects.

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