Tooll3 – Free Procedural Motion Design tool

In the computer graphics world and specifically in motion graphics, we still have the undisputed dominance of Tooll3, used by most studios and freelancers.

After Effects in my opinion remains a good product, but not quite a great product, for the most part, its strength is expensive external plugins to add to Adobe’s costs.

However, it is worthwhile, to test and try to use other tools that in some cases are faster and more interesting to use creatively, such as Cavalry very powerful tool for motion graphic animation, and software for motion graphics in real. -time like Notch and Tooll3, a new free and open-source app that allows you to create motion graphics in real-time, using a Notch-like nodal system.

Tooll3‘s goal is to use real-time rendering technology to create motion design animations, through the creation of node-based procedural content and linear keyframe animation and editing.

Tooll3 is a motion designer tool, developed by Thomas Mann, Daniel Szymanski, and other developers, Tooll3 is still under development but we can already see and test some of the interesting features through an engaging UI design experience of the interface.

What is Tool3?

Tooll3 is an open-source solution for creating procedural real-time animations for motion graphics and GFX animation.

This video gives you a quick overview of its interface and its features, the UI and usability of this software look so friendly and beautiful!

Tooll3 – Tutorials: The User Interface

we will walk you through the main user interface elements. How to work with the output window, the parameter view, and navigation within an operator graph.

Tooll3 – Tutorials Part 3: Operator Graphs

We will get through all the details for combining operators into graphs, their types, how to connect and combine them, etc.

Tooll3 – Installation

Tutorials Part 1: Installation

  • On a Windows 10.
    once you copied the Program Files folder, you have to start it (Starter.exe) as Admin!

A standalone version is in development. Although it’s working already, it needs further clean-up and testing.

This means that you need an IDE, like Visual Studio or Rider, to build and run it. This is free and not as difficult as it might sound.

Tooll3 GitHub link:

Download Tooll3


  1. We only test on Win10. But Win11 might work too.
  2. If you don’t have a .net IDE installed already download and install the Community Edition of Visual Studio v16.11 (or later). In the installer make sure to select the features…
    1. .net Desktop Application development
    2. .net 4.7.1 (on the right side)
  3. Install .net 5.0 SDK
  4. You might also want to download and install a git client like . Alternatively, you can install the bare bone git scm.
  5. On Windows 10, you also need to install Windows Graphics tools

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