Tutorial: Creating Geometry With Python in Cinema 4D
Tutorial: Creating Geometry With Python in Cinema 4D

Tutorial: Creating Geometry with Python in Cinema 4D

We publish this interesting resource for all C4D users, released by Entagma, Houdini experts, this time they have proposed one of their projects on the particle in Cinema 4D, using Thinking Particles the ParticlePassAB node to find the points and using Python to create the geometry.

Congratulations to Entagma for sharing this interesting tutorial.

Creating Geometry With Python In C4D

Creating Geometry With Python In C4D from Entagma on Vimeo.


In this tutorial released by Entagma, Manuel shows in this video how to create a plexus style wireframe effect directly in Cinema4D using the Thinking Particles and Python tool. For more information visit entagma.com

00:00 – Intro
00:35 – Scatter points on the Nymph
05:50 – Find closest points
08:35 – Create geometry with Python
20:18 – Add renderable geometry with a Sweep


Plexus_GEO from INSYDIUM LTD on Vimeo.

Wgo is Entagma?

Welcome To Entagma from Entagma on Vimeo.