Wandering through a dark forest, a solitary creature meets something unknown. Gloam is a short film by David Elwell & Gareth Hughes.
In this tutorial by David Elwel he talks about his personal short “Gloam”. Describing the techniques used as: Adaptive DMC, V-Ray in Maya, etc.
Tutorial VRay e Maya
Software used: AfterEffects, Maya, Nuke, PFTrack, Premiere, V-Ray, zBrush
Camera: Canon EOS 600D w/ SteadiCam Merlin
Lenti: EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5 – 5.6 IS
V-Ray for Maya tutorial: Making of “Gloam”
Short film – Gloam ( #AfterEffect, Maya, Nuke, PFTrack, Vray, zBrush ) CreativeStation