Vroid Export to FBX no Plugin

Hi Guys, here is a new tutorial on how to export an FBX file from VRoid character, in this video you can follow some simple steps on how I imported and exported the file, using the new version of  Vroid and Blender
without using any additional plugin.

How to import Vroid to Blender?

Vroid Export to FBX no Plugin

First of all, let’s start in VRoid and let’s create our character, when the character is ready, let’s export the file, saving it in vrml in the folder.

In order to import the file into Blender and then export the FBX file, I’m using this method without using an external Plugin, renaming the vrml file in glb, file that
after that I can import in Blender without using the external plugin. After renaming the file in glb. let’s proceed to import the file in Blender.

In the video tutorial, I used a basic level of Blender knowledge, in order to export the FBX file and Shaders correctly, I’m going to manage the Shaders nodes like this, which very often the Shaders are lost in the export phase. If you use the FBX file to animate the character in Mixamo, I suggest you delete the Armature elements generated by the VRoid export, like this.

To Export the FBX Texture, we need to change path mode, changing in Copy, so we’ll make sure to embed Texture in FBX file.

Finally, the file is readily saved in the folder, now let’s upload the character into Mixamo, and play with that adding animations.
When we are happy about the animation, let’s export the FBX from Mixamo to Blender,

In Blender, the file imported looks strange, don’t be scary, we are going to Fix that, we are just going to deselect Show Backface, and the files would be ready, enjoy

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