What’s New in Cinema 4D 2024.4

Discover all the new features in the latest version of Cinema 4D 2024.4 with its groundbreaking new particle system through this comprehensive 4-hour guide, created by the incomparable Chris Schmidt, also known as RocketLasso.

Cinema 4D, one of the most widely used software in the design and animation world, further evolves with the update to version 2024.4. In this article, we will explore the new features and improvements introduced, with particular attention to the new particle system, truly incredible!

Cinema 4D expert, Chris from Rock Alasso, guides us through an epic 4-hour tutorial covering in-depth all the new features in this version. Chris begins by emphasizing the magnitude of the improvements made, paying particular attention to the revamped particle system, which is one of the focal points of this release.

The tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of the features of the new particle system, including over 2 hours and 45 minutes of content dedicated exclusively to this topic. Chris walks us through step by step how to use the new options to create complex effects and engaging animations.

Among the various features discussed, there is the use of effectors to manipulate particles and achieve realistic effects, such as the movement of a vehicle or the action of a spring. Chris also demonstrates how to use predefined presets to streamline the process of creating certain effects, allowing users to save time and achieve impressive results.

Another noteworthy addition is the introduction of constant and per-frame particle emission, giving users greater control over the distribution and behavior of particles. With the addition of the ability to apply velocity and alignment to particles, creative options become virtually limitless.

Additionally, Chris guides us through the use of the new mesh emitter, allowing users to create particle effects directly on complex and detailed surfaces. This feature opens up new creative possibilities, allowing particles to be integrated directly into the workspace without the need for complex post-production operations.

Finally, Chris explores advanced blending, flocking, and prey options, enabling users to create dynamic effects and complex interactions between particles. These features offer users the ability to create unique and engaging animations and visual effects.

Cinema 4D 2024.4 offers a wide range of new features and improvements that expand the creative possibilities for users.

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