Cinema 4D R18

Maxon ha annunciato l’uscita di Cinema 4D R18 presentato con lo splendido video di apertura VERSUS, il prossimo grande aggiornamento per il suo software di punta di modellazione e animazione 3D.
L’aggiornamento uscirà per il mese di Settembre, é stato in mostra a al Siggraph 2016.

Cinema 4D Release 18 Highlights

Nella nuova release di Maxon troviamo nuovi tool divisi per ogni tipologia dei propri utenti. Nuovi tool per chi lavora nella motion graphic, nuove migliorie per gli utenti che lavorano negli effetti visivi dei VFX e agli utenti  che lavorano come 3D generalist e aggiungendo un paio di caratteristiche mirate al workflow di video game.

Cinema 4D R18 Sneak Peek

Importanti tool di punta di r18 i nuovi potenti strumenti di motion graphics, Voronoi
Fracturing importante tool per la gestione della rottura degli oggetti; il nuovo strumento Knife Tools in tempo reale; migliorato il motion tracking per il lavoro di VFX; e inserito il supporto per le texture procedurali di Substance di Allegorithmic.

Knife Tools

Andiamo a vedere le novitá della nuova versione di Cinema 4D software di punta di Maxon.

Una delle migliorie della nuova versione é la nuova Viewport OpenGL, tanto attesa dagli utenti provienienti dal mondo Autodesk, giá abituati a lavorare su anteprime delle scene in questa modalitá.

Viewport Reflections

Cinema 4D Viewport OpenGL

Nella versione C4D R18 avremo la possibilitá di visualizzate l’anteprima delle nostre scene e modelli in modo più efficace con l’aiuto della viewport OpenGL migliorato di Cinema 4D Release 18. Ora abbiamo una migliore percezione della modellazione dei nostri modelli e del posizionamento nella scena 3D con lo Screen-Space in Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) avremo la possibilitá di vedere l’anteprima in tempo reale di dettagli Displacement con Tassellatura GPU. Inoltre avremo la possibilitá di vedere in preview il canale della Rifrazione per avere un’idea dell’aspetto che avrà la rifrazione della texture multi-livel sul nostro character.

R18 Viewport features

Substance Integration in C4D r18

Nella nuova versione di Cinema 4D molto interessante l’integrazione con il motore di Substance.
I materiali e texture di Substance di Allegorithmic sono shader procedurali compatibili con la maggior parte delle applicazioni 3D e motori per videogame. Ora abbiamo la possibiliá di scaricare, fate il download dal sito di Substance, shader già compilati pronti all’uso sulle vestre scene e modelli 3D in Cinema 4D. Questa implementazione completamente integrata offre un workflow e una flessibilità eccezionale oltre ad un opzione per salvare le texture Substance su disco fisso per una migliore la performance del lavoro.

Ancora più MoGraph

Mograph é stato uno dei tool innovativi, che ha collocato C4D dove è oggi, ha contribuito alla diffusione tra gli artisti digitali e gli studi di motion design, facendo diventare C4D tra uno dei software piú utilizzati nella motion graphic 3D. Da allora peró si ha avuto la sensazione che Maxon abbia un po’ tralasciato lo sviluppo di questo tool  nelle versioni passate. In C4D R18 invece Mograph viene ancora piú implementato dimostrando l’impegno di Maxon a mantenere questo strumento il tool di prima linea di C4D.

MoGraph Commands And Tools

Nuovi effectors fanno il loro debutto.
Push Apart Effector, che ci aiuteranno a evitare la sovrapposizione con i cloni, e supporterá diverse modalità. ReEffector che ci aiutera a ripristinare tutti i parametri dei dati MoGraph ad uno stato iniziale.

MoGraph Push Apart Effector

MoGraph Re Effector

Ancora più importante il lavoro sulla gestione di Mograph, il tag Cache è stato completamente riscritto, offrendo la possibilità di salvare su file esterni i dati. È anche possibile avere più tag Cache MoGraph che si fondono tra loro, su un singolo oggetto MoGraph.

MoGraph Caching Enhancements

Ci sono anche nuove modalità di distribuzione per gli oggetti Mograph Cloner e Matrix. Questo include un nuovo array a nido d’ape, e Clone in asse.

MoGraph Cloner Enhancements

MoGraph Weight Painting


Fantastico il nuovo tool per creare fratture sui modelli 3d. Con Voronoi Fracturing potete frantumare sistematicamente qualsiasi oggetto in frammenti procedurali, usando qualsiasi elemento per controllare la distribuzione dei frammenti. Create geometrie procedurali artistiche usando le spline, gli oggetti poligonali e le particelle. Voronoi lavora sempre in tempo reale, il che significa che potrete cambiare gli elementi in qualsiasi momento. Essendo un oggetto nativo di MoGraph, funzionerà perfettamente con Dynamics e con tutti gli Effettuatori e le Decadenze desiderate.





    • New Quaternions workflow
      • There is now a Quaternions group in the Coordinates tab
      • The key attributes for Quaternion Rotations have a new option for Quaternion Interpolation types. The user can choose between different interpolation presets there.
    • Constraints workflow
      • Parent Constraint
        • The new “Local Offset” attributes field presents the internal offset that the constrained object will have with the “parent” targets
        • New Interactive Transform checkbox allowing the user to interactively edit the constrained parameters
        • New Record button provides an easy way to keyframe the Local Offset and Strength values of the targets
        • Negative scales and constraints are now supported
        • New Parent Constraint parameters
          • “Local Offset” are animatable parameters representing the offset the target (parent) has from the constrained object (child)
          • “Interactive Local Offset” is a checkbox that enables the user to interactively adjust constrained parameters and have the Local Offsets update to the new adjustments
          • “Auto-Reset (Legacy)” is the Auto-Reset mode which is now implemented as a Legacy mode, for compatibility reasons with old scenes
          • “Update Local Offsets” is a new cycle button that will allow to update the Local Offsets based on the constrained object’s coordinates, or setting one of the Targets as a new main target. This will allow for a seamless transition to that target.
          • “Record Optimized” is new cycle button which allows recording all the Weights and Local Transforms of all the Targets, in an optimized way
        • The new Shift Priority Tag can be used to shift priority values of expressions
        • The “Breakdown Color” option in the keyframe attributes of the Timeline now allows setting an alternative color for keyframes
        • The Timeline’s baking function is now able to bake an Alembic object to native PLA animation
    • Alembic
      • Alembic module is now based on SDK 1.5.8.
      • Support for vertex colors was added
      • The internal tags which represent the data streamed from *.abc files are exposed to the user on the Alembic generator now
      • There now is a placeholder tag for the Subdivision Surface Weight tag
      • The subdivision method is now written to and read from the Alembic SubD scheme
      • Alembic generator has a new option for Creases and Corners used for weights of SDS objects
      • Alembic generator has a new value to be able to scale SDS weights
      • New Import options
        • “Color Maps” option allows color information (RGB and RGBA) to be imported and Vertex Color tags to be created
        • Importing “Points” with “As Polygon Object” reads the color (RGB or RGBA) property and creates a Vertex Color tag per point mode for it
        • Importing “Points” with “As Particle Geometry” reads RGBA (vector4d) color arrays now
        • “Creases and Corners” – reads creases and corners as point and edge weights of SDS objects
      • New Export options
        • “Vertex Colors” – the RGBA data of all Vertex Color tags is exported
        • “Display Colors to Vertex Colors” – writes the display color of the object as vertex color information
        • “Vertex Colors” + “Points Only (Geometry)” options – exports also RGBA data from points mode only Vertex Color tags
        • “Subdivision Surface Weights” – writes point and edge weights of SDS objects as corners and creases
      • Export can now be canceled
    • FBX
      • FBX module is now based on SDK 2016.2, now supports the 7.5 file format
      • New Import options
        • “Vertex Colors” – imports vertex color elements and creates a Vertex Color tag for each of them
        • “Convert Grayscale Vertex Colors to Vertex Maps” – in case there are only grayscale colors, a Vertex Map tag will be created instead of a Vertex Color tag
        • “Subdivision Surface” – an SDS Weight tag will be created if at least one crease layer was found
      • New Export options
        • “Vertex Colors” – color information of all Vertex Color tags is exported for every mesh
        • “Subdivision Surface” – if an SDS Weight tag exists, the weight information for points and edges is written as two crease layers
    • Support for Allegorithmic Substance Engine
      • Substance archives (.sbsar) can be loaded
      • The Substance Asset Manager can be used to organize the Substance assets in the scene
      • The Substance Shader is used to reference Substance asset outputs in Cinema 4D’s material system and all other parts of Cinema 4D that support shaders
      • New Substance Asset mode in the Attributes Manager
      • New Substance Engine section in the Preferences
      • New Substance Engine sub-menu in Pipeline menu
      • C++/Python API supports Substance
    • Support for the DDS texture file format (loader)
    • BP exchange supports 3ds Max 2017
    • OBJ
      • Import and Export presets can now be saved and loaded
      • The Material Mix Mode can now be specified
    • Updated to use Houdini Engine 15.0.313
    • The internal tags which are generated by the Houdini asset are now exposed to the user
    • During Open Scene, if the asset path is absolute and invalid but an asset file with the same name exists in the C4D scene folder, then this asset file is used and the asset path becomes relative
    • Added vertex color support for both marshalled inputs and generated outputs
    • GUI improvements
    • Support for OS X 10.11 El Capitan System Font added
    • Variation shader enhancements
      • Support for more than one texture
      • UV Rotation can now be quantized and UV can be flipped
    • New “Invert Direction” option for Ambient Occlusion
    • New parallax mapping support in the Bump channel
    • New Shadow Catcher shader
    • New Thin Film shader
    • New Knife tools
      • Interactive modeling workflow using new on screen handles and gizmos
      • Line Cut tool
        • Cuts polygon objects and splines with polyline cuts
        • Cut line can be interactively adapted via control points
        • Cuts can be inside of polygons
        • Several slice modes
          • Cut
          • Split
          • Remove Part A
          • Remove Part B
        • Supports snapping and constraints
      • Plane Cut tool
        • Planar cut for polygon objects
        • Cutting plane can be interactively adapted
        • Several slice modes
          • Cut All
          • Split
          • Remove Part A
          • Remove Part B
        • Several plane modes available, defining which coordinate system is used
          • Free
          • Local
          • World
          • Camera
        • The number and spacing of parallel cuts can be defined
        • Supports snapping and constraints
      • Loop/Path Cut tool
        • Cuts new loops or path into objects
        • Loops/Paths can be interactively adapted
        • Loops/Paths can be searched bidirectional or not
        • Offset modes
          • Proportional
          • Edge Distance
        • The number of parallel cuts can be defined
        • Cuts can preserve the curvature of a surface
        • Cuts can be shaped using spline GUI
    • Support for Pixar’s OpenSubdiv
    • Baking
      • Greatly improved displacement map baking and rendering
        • improved accuracy for vector maps (tangent, object and world)
        • Using ray casting for intensity maps – new options available (intensity, intensity centered, red-green)
      • Also improved normal map baking
        • Ray casting also used when not baked in conjunction with a vector displacement map
    • Sculpting
      • Resolved issue with sculpting at small scales
      • Resolved issue with reproject mesh at small scale
  • Voronoi Fracture
    • New Voronoi Fracture generator
    • Support for many different point generators (Point Generator, Object, Spline, Particles, MoGraph Matrix, Shader, …) to define the fracture pattern
    • The Voronoi Fracture generator is a MoGraph generator and brings full support for effectors and all other MoGraph features
    • Inside/Outside Selection tag lets you assign different materials to the outside and inside faces of fracture pieces
    • Full dynamics support
    • Face, point and edge selections can be created
    • New Effectors
      • Push Apart effector
        • Helps reduce or avoid clone overlap quickly
        • Supports several modes:
          • Push Apart
          • Hide
          • Scale Apart
          • Push Apart Along X,Y, or Z Axis
      • ReEffector
        • Can reset all MoData parameters to initial state within the Effector List it’s applied to
        • Can also blend back to the initial state in a deformer stack
        • Can re-apply multiple effectors to the “fresh” state and blend their effects into the Effector List per parameter
    • New distribution modes for MoGraph Cloner and Matrix Objects
      • Honeycomb Array
      • Clone on Axis
    • New behaviors for MoGraph distribution modes
      • “Object” mode allows to use a custom object to define the form of the cloning
      • Per Step mode for Grid Array and Honeycomb Array
        • New handles behavior for these modes to make dragging out fields of clones faster and more intuitive
      • Scale clones based on polygon size
    • Rewritten MoGraph Cache tag
      • Multiple MoGraph Cache tags can now be used and blended between on a single MoGraph object
      • MoGraph Cache tags can be saved to external files
      • New interface
    • New weights workflow
      • New MoGraph Weightmap tag
      • New MoGraph Weight Paintbrush tool
      • New XPresso node for weights
    • New Commands
      • Swap Cloner/Matrix – Switch selected Cloner objects to Matrix objects or switch selected Matrix objects to Cloner objects
      • Hide Selected – Automatically creates a non-destructive setup to hide the current MoGraph selection
    • Improvements to the Display options for MoGraph objects
      • Display Clone IDs in the viewport (both on the object and within Selection tags)
      • Depth Cue and Scaling for better display of MoSelection as well as all other points display modes (UV, Weights, etc.)
    • New object tracking functionality
    • New “Lock View on Tracks” mode
    • New “Frame All” / “Frame Selected” commands
    • New “Nudge Track” command
    • New “Auto Update Tracks” mode
    • The “Add machine” dialogue now has a small button that presents a list of recently added machine IPs / hostname
    • New “Restart Jobs After Unexpected Server Termination” option
    • Monitor page:
      • The jobs and networks table are now multiselection aware and offer the same functionality as the multiselection bars on the Jobs and Networks page
      • Jobs can be reordered by clicking on the current position and entering another existing one
      • If there is input to an edit field, but the user navigates to another section, an information dialog is presented to inform about unsaved changes
      • The number of active and inactive jobs is shown in the header of the jobs table pane
      • The number of online and offline clients is shown in the header of the networks table pane
      • If logged in as an admin, there is now an option to show only the jobs of the admin instead of all jobs
    • Jobs page:
      • Jobs can be reordered by clicking on the current position and entering another existing one
      • If there is input to an edit field, but the user navigates to another section, an information dialog is presented to inform about unsaved changes
      • If logged in as an admin, there is now an option to show only the jobs of the admin instead of all jobs
      • Render Info in Jobs Details
        • In the jobs details page (if a master scene is selected) a new collapsable is shown with useful information from the render settings
        • These settings are: Render Settings Name, Take Name, Frame Range, Regular Image, Multipass Image, Renderengine, Frame Rate, Image Resolution
    • User page
      • When creating a new user or changing the password for the current logged in user, the TeamRender Server interface presents a single dialog instead of a wizard
    • New FAQ page
      • Questions can be filtered (full text search)
      • When hovering with the mouse over a question (in the overview panel) a short excerpt is shown with
        • the first couple of characters
        • characters before and after the entered filter term in case a filter string is found for the first time. The matched result is highlighted.
      • Questions are tagged, and the tags can be selected to restrict the results and the overview panel according to the selected category. Q&A can have multiple tags
    • Calculation of vector maps of all types has been improved
    • Intensity based maps (intensity, intensity centered, red-green) now use a basic ray casting technique to measure displacement between the base and the sculpt mesh
    • Baking normal maps only also uses the basic ray casting technique to sample normal vectors on the sculpt mesh
    • Shading/Vertex normals can now be displayed in the viewport
    • New “Screenspace Ambient Occlusion” option
    • New “Reflections” option shows an approximation of the Reflectance Channel in the viewport
      • Supports multiple layers, masks, fresnel and roughness
    • New “Tessellation” option shows the effect of displacements in the viewport
      • Can be set globally and per material
  • New “Set from Projection” command for UVW Tags to easily create new UVW tags or modify existing ones on multiple objects
  • New “Select Materials with same Reflectance” menu command in the Material Manager
  • The previews in the Material Manager now indicate which materials have the same reflectance layer setup as the selected material
  • Pasting a Reflectance layer into a Reflectance channel with a selected layer now replaces that layer instead of adding a new layer
  • The Reflectance channel now supports multi edit for materials with the same layer setup
  • Metaball Solidity option makes polygonal metasurfaces solid
    • New preference settings
      • Phong tag: Now the default Phong Angle is 40º
      • Selection Tools: The setting “Only Select Visible Elements” is disabled by default for Rectangle, Lasso and Polygon Selection
      • Render Settings: the default render output size has been changed to 1280×720 and a new Screen preset with that size has been added
      • Viewport filter: now “Object Highlighting” is disabled by default
      • Weight Tool / Paint Tool: the following default settings have been changed:
        • Strength: 100%
        • Mode: Absolute
        • Falloff: None
      • Texture Manager: now all options in “View” menu are enabled by default
      • Scroll to First Active: this command has now been assigned the shortcut ‘S’
      • Extrude Tool: now the “Maximum Angle” setting is 91º by default
      • Figure object:
        • Now the default figure height is 180 cm
        • Now the figure axis is located at its feet
      • Soft Selection Tool: now “Mode” is set to “All” by default.
      • Split Command: (C4D main menu / Mesh / Commands / Split) – The newly created object name will have the “.1” suffix, e.g. “Cube.1”
    • Color Chooser
      • New preference: Remember Last Layout
      • New Compact Mode
      • Now the first swatch group is shared between all Cinema 4D documents
      • New contextual menu options handle the default swatch set:
        • “Reload Default Group”: current swatches in shared group will be replaced with the stored default swatch set
        • “Save this Group as Default Group”: the swatches in the clicked group will be saved as default group set
        • “Save Selected Swatches as Default Group”: the currently active swatches will be saved as default group set
      • Dragging single or multiple swatches over a gradient converts them to color knots
      • C++/Python API supports Color Swatches
    • Improved ALT key handling for left-handers on Windows
  • The Structure Manager has two new modes to show weights per vertex and weights per edge
  • Improved baking for multiple tags
  • Reduced file size for particle storage and improved speed
  • Loading/saving of large number of image sequences is now much faster
  • Cinema 4D startup speed increased
  • Mesa library is now used for viewport rendering on the CPU
  • Support for the RLM license manager
  • Support for vertex colors
  • New Vertex Color tag
  • Extended Paint Tool now can paint vertex colors
  • The Vertex Map shader now supports vertex colors
  • The Vertex Map shader supports OGL
  • New Vertex Color XPresso node
  • The Structure Manager now supports vertex colors
  • New Vertex Map Converter converts between vertex map and vertex color
  • C++/Python API supports vertex colors
  • Python API now supports custom nodes description methods, BodyPaint 3D UV commands and texture baking functions


Per il Download:

  • Per testare la nuova versione di Cinema 4D potete fare il download qui al sito Maxon.
  • Potete fare il download diretto al link per l’UPDATE da CINEMA 4D R18. to R18.020 (SP1):
    download di Maxon Cinema 4D r18 
    For Cinema 4D Prime, Broadcast, Visualize, Studio and Team Render, file size approx. 211 MB
  • Oppure per la documentazione della nuova di C4D r18 e per i vari servizi di download andate a questo link per il download by Maxon.