Filming a VFX Lens Distortion Grid

Ciao a tutti, non perdetevi questa risorsa VFX by Hugo’s desk. In questo video tutorial vedremo come raccogliere i dati delle filmando le Lens Distortion Grids e come utilizzarle in Nuke. Vedremo e perché la distorsione dell’obiettivo è così importante per il successo di un buon effetto.

Lens Grid Download Model

In questo video, parliamo del motivo per cui dovremmo filmare Lens Distortion Grids in VFX.


00:00 Introduction
00:32 Why should you use a Lend Grid?
00:49 Two types of Distortions
01:26 Why can’t I draw lines to calculated Distortion?
01:52 Important reading
01:57 Necessary equipment
02:25 Eric Alba’s website
02:40 How to film a Grid
04:00 Special notes about f-stops
05:08 Undistorition pipeline in NukeX
07:27 Conclusion
07:46 Producer Level Patreon Credits
07:50 Patreon Credits

Important reading:

What is Distortion by Wikipedia

On-Set Visual Effects Documentation by Niles Heckman

  • These grids are 48 inches by 96 inches PDF files for you to download. You or your Art department can have these printed, laminated (matte finish if possible) and mounted on a wail or board. You can scale these if you want a bit of a margin for rigging/mounting.

Lens Grid information by Eric Alba

Distortion article by Edmund Optics

  • La distorsione è un’aberrazione geometrica non lineare in cui l’ingrandimento cambia con l’altezza del campo. Scopri tre tipi comuni di distorsione nelle applicazioni di imaging: pincushion, barrel, keystone. Unisciti a Gregory Hollows, direttore di Machine Vision Solutions, mentre discute della distorsione e fornisce suggerimenti utili per correggere le diverse tipologie.

EO Imaging Lab 2.1: Distortion video by Edmund Optics

Estimating Lens Distortion Using a Grid

#vfx #lensgrid #nuke #lensdistortion #hugosdesk #compositing